Friday 27 April 2012

Thurs 26th April 2012 Everest Base Camp 5300m

Feeling a bit better today but I am not going to do any more ice training, which is scheduled for this afternoon and tonight. The Icefall is not very technical so I feel comfortable with my skills, its much more important that I am well rested and get through Saturday morning well.

I spend time in the White Pod, reading, blogging and emailing. Business seems to be thriving in my absence which is both reassuring and ominous!

We have to select our food for the six nights away. Whilst we will get food at Camp 2 we still need it for 8 to 9 hours on Saturday and for the trip to and night on camp 3.

After lunch I try to take a shower but am accused by the Camp Doctor, a Spanish woman of origin called Monica that I am being ‘selfish’.... despite the fact that all the other team have showered and I was waiting in line behind the Guides. She makes this accusation in front of two other members (paying clients), both in my group who I later discover found this quite funny. I leave the situation as I can feel my blood boiling. I have felt from the start that this woman doesn’t like me and later when I discuss this with other members there is a general dislike of her.

If I want someone to talk to me in that way ...I can always pick up the phone to my ex wife!

I go to my tent to rest and pack for Saturday.

So when she appears at dinner in our tent I say...’Oh here’s the ‘Shower Monitor (Monica....get it)’’....... to which she retorts ‘if you think I am going to apologies I am not, you will just have to get over it’.

A thoroughly professional response from our Camp Doctor.....NOT!

On a lighter note a stray dog that had befriended our camp for the past week was taken 5 miles down the valley today by a kindly Base Camper who the knew the dog from the previous year.

This Labrador 'mongrel' had been creeping into tents and indeed sleeping bags at night much to the surprise, concern and indeed anger of many people. If you raised your voice to it or picked up a stone (who would do that) it gave its best 'Mutley' impression and you couldnt but take pity on it.

Well about five hours after it left and we felt safe leaving our tents open to air..... it had returned !!!

Sleep at about 9.15pm. Awoken at 12pm by the other group leaving but soon asleep again and awake at 6.45am to a very, very frosty tent.

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