Monday 23 April 2012

Today is spent resting but the guides have put up a rope to an adjacent summit.

I have asked to be excused and apart from a few photographs spend the day resting in bed, reading and listening to music. I can tell that by the end of this expedition my I pod will need a complete overhaul as I am listening to it so much. Even I am now bored with my music tastes!

In the afternoon I have that warning bell from my digestive tract which I was really hoping not hear until tomorrow when we were back in Base Camp.

I try to ignore it but to no avail. Very reluctantly I have to get up and don my climbing boots. We are on a summit so if you do wear just the innards to the climbing boots or indeed the quilted boots that some wear inside their sleeping bags you could easily slip on the snow and literally slide thousands of feet to an untimely demise. A slightly more heroic end that the Airport Car Park, but pretty ignominious all the same.

I make my way to the small ‘dug out’ area which affords a measure of privacy for this unfortunate activity.

No solid waste can be left on the mountain so we are given a two bag system. The first is almost the same size as a black poly bag; it receives the material and is then placed within the sealable second bag. Quite an unpleasant affair. You then hope the entire ‘package’ freezes as you have to take it down with you to Base Camp.

Phew, what a relief that’s over. Back to my tent, music and book.

45 mins later....... No....... No Way...... NOT possible.

Another 10 mins   No...... No, No, No..........

Another 5 mins ......... I just CAN’T believe this.......

Another 3 mins........ On with boots...coat....and ‘package’.

We only have one ‘package’ each has to be REUSED......

Where oh where is the glamour in this sport???

Its Beef Casserole and Dumplings for supper....

A curse to my genetic line that I don’t have the genes to allow my internals to close up after 5,800m of altitude for at least two days and off to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Yes Dire Straits may be very apt but it is time to add a second album to the iPod!
